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Michigan AAU Boy's Basketball

Michigan AAU Boy's Basketball


How much does it cost to be a member of the AAU?

For a regular Youth Athlete Membership the fee is $14/year, which runs from September 1 to August 31. For a regular Non-Athlete Membership the fee is $16/year. The AAU does offer different levels of individual membership as well as an Adult Program. For a complete pricing list of all AAU Memberships, please CLICK HERE and click on the Membership Fees tab .

I purchased the wrong membership. I bought the regular membership, and I need the extended coverage (AB) membership, How can I change this?

Due to insurance restrictions this cannot not be processed online. You will need to call the National office at 407-934-7200 and tell the receptionist you would like to upgrade your individual membership.  You will need to provide payment information for the additional $2.00 fee.

How do I add a club code to my membership? 

Visit and click the membership tab then membership option look up in order to view and edit the athletes membership (you will have to input the players first name, last name, zip code, and birth date. If you are still having problems, submit a "CUSTOMER SERVICE" ticket by clicking the contact customer support icon at the top of this page.
If you have a user account go to member login after logging into your account click on manage memberships and use the edit tool next to the membership.

By joining the AAU, am I automatically placed on a team?

The AAU does not select coaches or place athletes on a team or in a club.  Club and teams form and join the AAU to participate in AAU licensed events or to take advantage of membership benefits such as insurance coverage. There is an online tool called "Find a Club" that will allow you to see what clubs are located in your area and contact them about age groups, tryouts, etc. To find a club in your area, CLICK HERE.  Using this tool does require a membership ID, so your athlete would need to join the AAU.

For more assistance in finding a place for your child to participate ask others in your area where they participate, ask the school coach or PE teacher, ask at church, check online and in newspapers for social calendars or try doing an online search for teams/clubs in your area.

What is The AAU?

The Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) is one of the largest, non-profit, volunteer, sports organizations in the United States. A multi-sport organization, the AAU is dedicated exclusively to the promotion and development of amateur sports and physical fitness programs. Find out more about the AAU by CLICK HERE and browsing the different sport pages of the website.

How do I start an AAU Club?

Before you begin Click Here for more information on the types of clubs available and determining which one is right for you. First, you will need to purchase an AAU non-athlete membership for the person designated as the "club contact". Once that person receives an e-mail from the AAU containing his/her AAU non-athlete membership number he/she may purchase the appropriate level of club membership. Upon checkout a "club code" will be designated to the club that will be able to provide to all athletes registering under the club. They will put this club code into all their individual athlete membership applications in order to attach them to your club.

What are the benefits of joining AAU?

Some of the many benefits include affiliation with one of the most respected and oldest youth amateur organizations in the United States, opportunities to participate in outstanding sporting events, over 34 sports to choose among, world-class insurance coverage is included in your membership at no additional charge, coaches’ training at no additional charge, ability to host events if you are a club level 2 or 3, easy and fast avenue to become a 501c3 not-for-profit organization as a subordinate of the AAU with a club level 3 membership, right to participate in the governance of the organization, dedicated volunteers and staff for your specific sport, a wide variety of events at ESPN Wide World of Sports in Walt Disney World Resort® and many, many, more.

How do I find a coach or instructor?

Contact a local club for information in your area. To Find a Club CLICK HERE.

What is a club membership and what is the difference between club level 1, 2, & 3?

AAU Club Membership is for organizations (incorporated or unincorporated) such as YMCAs, Boys & Girls Clubs, Businesses, etc. as well as other organizations looking to host events.

A Club Level 1 is our basic Club Membership that allows you to participate in all of our team sports. With this membership you are eligible to participate in events, vote at appropriate district meetings, and receive certificates for practice insurance.

A Club Level 2 gives you all of the benefits of a Club Level 1 Membership and also allows you to be eligible to apply for a license to host an AAU event and use the AAU Name & Logo in AAU licensed events.

A Club Level 3 allows you to receive the benefits of a Club Level 2 Membership and also allows you to be eligible for tax-exempt status, except tax-exempt donations, and become sales tax-exempt in your state.  This is for unincorporated associations or clubs only.

Click here for AAU Club Level 3 brochure.

For more information on AAU Club Memberships including Club Fees, please CLICK HERE.

How do I join the AAU - I am an athlete?

If you are an Athlete interested in competing in the AAU you must first become a member. To purchase your Athlete Membership Click Here to create an account and fill out the athlete membership application. 

How do I join the AAU- I am a coach?

There are two things you’ll need to do in order to become a coach. Please see those steps below.

  1. You will need to purchase a Non-Athlete Membership. The cost of a membership is $16 for regular membership or $18 for the extended covedrage membership. This card is for coaches, bench personnel, adminstrators, managers, officials, tournament directors, volunteers, etc.
  2. As part of the membership process for all adults, you must agree to a background check.  This is included in the membership fee - there is no extra charge.
  3. The AAU National Office is happy to provide FREE Coaches’ Education for all AAU non-athletes. This exciting program is administered by Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA), using their Double-Goal Coach online courses. A Double-Goal Coach has two goals: the first is to win, but the second, more important goal, is to teach life lessons through sports. The Positive Coaching Alliance Coaches’ Education is mandatory.   Click here to get started

Do I have to be a member of the AAU to participate in an event?

Yes. All participants [athletes and non-athletes including an Administrator, Bench Personnel, Coach, Instructor, Manager, Team Leader, Tournament Director, Volunteer, Other) must be current AAU members to participate in AAU licensed events.

Do I need to sign up and pay for the athletes in my club or should their parents take care of that?

This is up to you. You may obtain their information and sign up purchase for them you may provide your club code to their parents with instructions on what to do in order to purchase their own memberships.  However, all adults must sign up themselves.  Adult memberships include a background check and each member must consent to this as part of the membership process.

Do all my coaches have to take the PCA course?

Yes. The Positive Coaching Alliance course is mandatory for all non-athlete memberships in AAU. The course takes approximately one hour but does not have to be completed all in one sitting. You can take it one module at a time if you wish and come back to the rest of it later. There is normally a charge for this course, but for AAU members, it is one of the many benefits included in your membership.

How many members must be in my club?

There are no minimum or maximum membership requirements for a club, except when referring to voting rights in the governance of the AAU. In order to have voting rights at your District or Sport Committee meeting, you must have 5 registered members attached to your club.

There is a athlete who wants to join a team in our club who used to play for another club in our area. What do we need to do to attach that athlete?

If that player has played in an AAU-licensed event within the past 60 days, you will need to obtain a release form from that player’s prior club before s/he will be eligible to compete with your club.   For a Club Release Form, CLICK HERE.

How long is AAU membership valid?

AAU Membership is valid from September 1 to August 31. No matter the time of the year the membership is purchased (unless it is a multi-year membership) it will only be valid until the following August 31.

By joining the AAU, am I automatically registered to particiapte in an event?

No. Event registration is separate. You must contact an event operator to enter.  To find an Event: CLICK HERE.

Do I need to request certificates in order for my facility to be covered by insurance?

No, you only need to request third party insurance certificates if the facility you are using requires them. The facility is covered by our General Liability policy whether you request the certificate or not. The AAU does not control what the facility requires for practice.

Can my club have more than one team in it?

Yes, you may have as many teams in your club as you wish.



My child is finished with volleyball (or any sport) and now is playing basketball (any sport). How do I change the sport on the membership? Or do I need to purchase another membership?

You do not need to change the sport, as our youth program allows for any youth athlete to participate in all AAU Sports.

If I purchase a club membership do I still need to sign up the athletes?

Yes, everyone participating in your club or on your team(s) must also have an individual athlete or non-athlete membership.

How do I contact you for more information?

Go to the contact  at the top of the page to email the AAU National Office your question or call 407-934-7200. If you are looking for the local office in your area, go to the District office page by clicking here.

If my athlete's parents forget to put my club code on their membership application, how can I attach that athlete(s) to my club?

Visit and click the membership tab then choos membership look upin order to view and edit the athletes membership (you will have to input the players first name, last name, zip code, and birth date. If you are still having problems, submit a "CUSTOMER SERVICE" ticket by clicking the customer service icon at the top of this page.

Can I upgrade to the level 3, non profit status club?

No, there are no upgrades to a Club Level 3 membership (or refunds for a club level 1 or Club Level 2). You must purchase a new club Level 3 membership.

Must I sign up all my athletes at once?

No you may sign up your athletes at any time during the membership year; however, be sure any athletes or non-athletes have a membership BEFORE they participate in any practices or events.

I need to sign up as a coach, official, administrator, bench personell, instructor, manager, team leader, tournament director, volunteer or chaperone or volunteer. What do I need to do?

You need to go to click on JOIN AAU, create a user account, once logged in choose new membershp, then choose the Non Athlete or Adult Athlete membershp.   Be aware,  all adult memberships must complete our background screen process before membership is accepted and a member ID issued.

Can I register to become a member of the AAU online?

Yes! Click Here to go to the Membership section of the website for more information and an online application.

How many club memberships can I have?

You may purchase as many club memberships as you wish.

How can I view/print my insurance certificate?

At, go to the membership tab, then choose Insurance when the flyout menu opens click on Issued Third Party Certificates, enter your club code and click Find Certificate. All your certificates will display. Click the one(s) you need and print.

How can I change my club name?

You can only change your club name if you have not purchased any insurance certificates. You will need to make a club name change in writing via email ([email protected]) or submit a customer service ticket by clicking on the icon at the top of this page. If you have purchased insurance certificates under your club name, you will simply need to purchase another club membership as your club name cannot be changed.

I coach more than one team or I coach both boys and girls basketball (or multiple sports) do I need a membership for each sport or each team?

No, our youth program allows for you to participate in all AAU youth Sports with one Non Athlete Membership.

I need a copy of my child's AAU membership and I did not create an account.

Go to and click on "MEMBERSHIP LOOK UP" icon. Click the appropiate link and provide the following information exactly as it would be listed on your membership card (first name, last name, zip code, and birthdate). Submit this information and your membership information as well as membership card should be displayed. If this process is not working and you are still having trouble locating the card please submit a customer ticket by clicking the "Submit a Ticket" icon at the top of this page.


Is membership prorated?

We do not offer a prorated membership.

Some of my athletes say they have purchased memberships but do not show on my listing.

The AAU does have tools available on the website for members to add club codes or reprint memberships. Click here to visit the "Look up Membership" feature on our website.

Can my club participate in multiple sports?

If your club is in our youth program, you may participate in any AAU Sport.

I need a membership card or to sign up my child, how do I do that?

You need to go to and click on JOIN AAU. Choose  This page lists the different membership applications we have available click on the Athlete membership. On the next page you will be prompted  to create an account in order to purchase them online. If you are signing up your child to participate as an athlete click on the "athlete membership(s)" link. Click here for more information on the types of memberships that are available.

I am a coach and an athlete. Do I need to purchase both an athlete and a non athlete membership?

No, you will only need to sign up as an Adult Athlete.  Due to our background screening process you only need to sign up once. You can coach with an adult athlete membership.  However you cannotparticipate as an athlete with a non athlete (coaches) membership. 

Can I upgrade my club so I can host an event?

Yes, you may upgrade your club level 1 membership to a club level 2 membership. You will need to call the National office at 407-934-7200 and tell the receptionist you would like to upgrade your club membership.

Does the national office have a toll-free number?

No. We do have a toll-free number for the District Offices, which is 1-800-AAU-4USA.

How can I replace a lost membership card?

You can replace a lost card by Clicking Here.

One of my athletes plays volleyball (any sport) and is listed on the volleyball club not my basketball (any sport) club.

An athlete can only appear in one club at a time. The requirement if that they have a membership, not that they must have your club code on their membership. You are fine to let them participate or put them on your roster.

I purchased a membership less than a year ago but your system says it is expired.

Our memberships are valid from September 1 through the following August 31, no matter the date of purchase (it is not a year from date of purchase). If you believe that your membership is still valid and you are receiving this message in error, please submit a customer service ticket by clicking the "Customer Service" icon at the top of this page to verify

How can I add the coach as a contact.

You cannot edit the club membership. To add or change contacts the primary contact or the purchaser must email the request to [email protected] or submit  a customer service ticket by clicking the Submit a Ticket icon at the top of this page.

I cannot get my child's card to pull up on the internet, and I did purchase a membership.

More than likely some of the information you are entering does not match what was entered into our system when the application was filled out. Please submit a customer service ticket by clicking the Submit a Ticket icon at the top of this page to verify a membership exists and to correct any information we have.

I am trying to login to the club admin area and it is asking for a membership ID. What is this?

You member ID is your individual AAU Non Athlete membership number. Only those non athletes listed on the club application as a contact have access to the club admin area.

I cannot login to the club admin area.

The issue may be you did not list yourself on the club or the name as the club contact does not match the name on the membership. The name on the membership must match EXACTLY the name on the club as the contact.

What is club level 3?

For more information regarding Club Level 3 please click here. Or go to


Michigan AAU Boy's Basketball Eastern District
Orlando M. Watkins. 
Detroit, Michigan 48206

Email: [email protected]

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